Death Is Easy

Russell Madden

Freedom As If It Mattered

As If
It Mattered
Russell Madden

Guardian Project

The Guardian
Russell Madden


Russell Madden





Russell Madden



Run for hills! Civilization is doomed! Aaiiieeeeeeee.....!!!!!!!!!!

Not really. But listening to the critics of human cloning, one might be excused if he thought the Apocalypse were nigh. Scientists in California produced a clone from the skin cells of one of the scientists involved. (See here.) The goal is to use cloning as a means to deal with various medical issues not amenable to other treatment options.

NBC evening news had its pet “bioethicist” announce his usual verbal garbage and pompously declare that there should be a “bright line” of prohibition between using cloned cells for medical treatment and producing another human being. Why? Who the hell knows? Apparently, it is supposed to be obvious, sort of like “global warming”“climate change” they’re calling it this hour. It’s verboten even to question the received wisdom.

But even if cloning a human being were “unethical” — it wouldn’t be — it should not be subject to legal action. The only actions that should be a matter for criminal prosecution are those that violate someone’s rights. But no one’s rights would be violated by the production of a human clone. No one can prove otherwise, because there is (assuming the cells were voluntarily provided and the owner agreed to the procedure) no initiation of force against anyone. Nor would cloning, in general, be immoral, any more than is artificial insemination or in vitro fertilization or any other of the once-controversial reproductive treatments that are now routine. Or organ transplantation. Or genetic engineering to correct faults. Or lens implants. Or...

The Luddites and the eco-nuts join (overlap?) forces in opposing cloning. The unconstitutional and rights-violating FDA “approved” the sale of meat and milk from cloned animals and got those fun back-to-nature folks all in a tizzy. (See here.) But the sale of any product (absent coercion) is of no legal concern to anyone except the buyer and the seller. Whether it’s milk or meat from cloned animals, milk from hormone-treated cows, irradiated food, trans-fat laden food, goose liver, oranges that are “too small,” or even — yech — “organic” food, the State has no business involving itself. If someone doesn’t care for the product, he doesn’t have to buy it. Or he can try to dissuade others from buying it. But no one has the right to prohibit the sale of such foodstuffs.

The food fascists and anti-progress reactionaries need to butt out of other people’s lives. My life, my body, my choice. That’s not a hard concept to understand, but these nut cases choose to ignore and evade the reality of self-ownership and all that such a precept entails.

Hey! All you folks who think my life and my property belong to you. Look at what I’m doing with my middle finger...and...

Clone this...

(from Don't Get Me Started!, 1-18-08)