Anarchists. Wotcha gonna do?
Apparently, not much.
Those intellectual descendants of Jefferson such as myself who believe
that a limited government is necessary for the establishment of a free
society have been called rather nasty names by some prominent
libertarian anarchists. (I could list those folks, but I prefer not to
afford them the publicity...) According to these anarchists, daring to
accept the propriety of a limited government makes people like me into
tyrants and exemplars of evil incarnate.
Well. Golly.
I’ve read both rants and calm presentations and have addressed what I
see as the major points against limited governments raised by
anarchists. (For example, see “
Government and Anarchy,” “
Government and Anarchy, Part II,” and “
Anarchic Contradictions.”)
I have offered to have my opponents present my views in their forums
and have received silence in return. Those who say they will read my
articles and reply conveniently vanish into the mists. None has
contacted me, none has bothered to address the fundamental issues I’ve
raised, none has disproved anything I have stated on this issue.
Why is this? What precisely are anarchists afraid of?
You tell me.
Don't Get Me Started!, 3-04-08)